cool background.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Grow a garden

I had an idea a few weeks ago that I've been mulling over and I think i'm going to try and research. Since I came to college, I have started to really miss dirt. I know, I know, there's dirt everywhere - but the only dirt I can lay claim to is in a pot. (well, that and the dirt on my skin after I roll around on the grass). Anyway, I have a deep seated urge that won't go away to make something grow. I have an aloe vera plant right now, and that's wonderful, but I wonder if living in apartments is necessarily means you can't have a garden. A little while ago some byu students in married housing rented a plot in orem and are starting to grow a community garden together - that's somewhat along the lines of what I've been thinking. What if BYU got a plot of land, either close to campus or somewhere else, and students could grow fruits and vegetables in it? Even if it was for a class, like the display gardens at BYU Idaho, students who grew the food could either pay for space and then eat what they grew, or BYU could employ students to grow things and then sell the produce. Either way, I think a friday or saturday fruit and vegetable market for BYU students would be SO cool - it would let students practice life skills and grow their own food and save money and connect to each-other and their environment. The market could be on or near campus, or even wherever that land would be that BYU found (I think the closer it is to campus, though, the more people will know about it and come). I talked about this to my mom, and she suggested that students could sell their crafts and other things at a market - paintings, jewelry, etc. I'm sure there are already things like this in Provo, and byu might even have some, but I just don't know about it. Anyway, I think I'm going to do some more pontificating and research, and then talk to BYUSA about it. If I figure out a good plan, I think this is something I'd be very willing to go to bat for. Thoughts, anyone? Anyone at all? Please?

Friday, May 15, 2009

a sentimental and not very well worded post from jessie


I would like to take this opportunity to announce that from now on, I will be updating my blog weekly. I am going to transition my blogging habits from assignment-status to healthy-fulfilling-habit status. ( :
Today is a friday, and I am contemplating the weekend ahead. It should be full and exciting and busy. I'm going to have to remember to put my homework first. By which I mean Actually and Honestly put it first, so I will enjoy having fun without feeling guilty. That's the plan, anyway. I have a spanish test on monday, which means that following this plan may in fact be very important to me.
Yesterday I was introduced to Miss Saigon and Les Miserables, courtesy wikipedia and youtube. In light of my newly acquired culture, and also because I have a friend who has been playing the guitar a lot lately, I have been contemplating the beauty of when someone is really good at something they love. I think my zen parents would call the genius I am admiring the result of 'flow.' I want another word, though, for my intense reaction to observing said flow. Maybe that feeling of inspiration comes from watching human potential. Maybe it's a survival/mating instinct that draws me to ally myself with someone that is strong and skilled. Maybe, when watching beauty makes feel beautiful inside. ( :
