cool background.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I've been in California, and I've learned a lot this summer. I've learned a lot things that I didn't (or don't) know - I feel like life is more exciting that way. For example, I learned that another person's actions (whether or not you consider them moral) are not necessarily indicators of their morality; the same experience taught me I want to meet a wider range of people, not make assumptions and go camping more. I've learned that I don't know yet how to wash a car very well. Hopefully that will change this fall. I've learned that I can be responsible for my own actions and resulting happiness or lack thereof. I have not learned to go to bed on time, eat healthy food, or go running on a consistent basis, but I have taked steps towards them. I have learned that the world is a galactic ocean full of things I am completely unaware of. In addition, I now know that I love the movie 'meet me in st. louis,' and I come from a family of people who like a cold house.
I have also found that life is often a process of relearning. I am learning a little bit again of how to walk to the edge of the light and step into the dark, and then keep breathing. I know God is in light - I think that's why he gave us the stars.