cool background.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

how to (not) look argentine

Last night, Aubrey and I had the good luck to go out on the town with our Argentine friend Leo. We went to dinner at "Johnny B.Good," watched english music videos, walked around town, and ate amazing ice cream. ("Granizado.") Besides the walking around late at night part and maybe the ice cream, probably not the best way to increase our argentine-ness. Really, really fun, though. 

In our conversation over dinner, I was told that the reason I look like I'm from the states is partially because of my skin, clothes and hair, but mostly because of my face! That's not something I can really fix. But, then do I need try and fix it? It occurs to me that when people in the states look like they're from another country I like it. And if they told me they were upset because they wanted their features to look more north american, I would be a little confused.

Por eso, although I do feel somewhat of an urge to go buy an entire new wardrobe and get a haircut, I am going to settle for working on my castellano until it becomes beautiful and only minimally accented. I can do that without plastic surgery. 

Side note - did you know that clubs and bars in Argentina only start to get busy at 2 or 3 in the morning? 

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