cool background.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

new pictures and a list of gratefuls

Walking home.
While we were taking a tour on a real English bus. 
this is a picture of the stick that went into my foot. (yes, the long one.)
I should be in bed, but I really need to say how grateful I am for today. ( :
- I found out I might be getting a really, really cool job this summer, and yesterday I had one-and-a-half other job offers
-I am on a list of potential people for a random, amazing job this fall
- I get to edit
- I went running (albeit not very far.)
- I really like my spanish teacher. She told me what argentine candy has peanut butter in it. (that's not the only reason I like her. I promise. ( :  )
-I randomly met a girl in the bathroom at the university today who speaks english and is married to a guy who is from minnesota and lived in colorado, and she gave me her e-mail address and told me to send her an e-mail if I ever needed anything.
- Aubrey and I went to institute and I saw my friend there and he introduced to all kinds of people, including a boy named Ariel who lived in New York, and a guy who served a mission in Nevada that loves Kurt Cobain. (he dug the fact that Aubrey was from Seattle.) We are making friends!
- I found a new favorite Argentine food.
- I talked to my mom and got an e-mail from my Dad.
-My internet works.
- I love life!
The end.  

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